**NO RETURN ON HELMETS** (for safety reasons we are unable to accept helmets for return or exchange once they leave the store)
The popular Sport helmet just got better with the 2.0’s upgrades including a sturdy injection molded shell, a new matte finish and a sleek integrated visor. Now in XS to XL, this helmet pairs the largest size range in our line with an improved fit. With larger vents for more airflow, this all-purpose helmet offers comfort and performance at a great price.
Key features include:
- Lightweight construction
- Seven large vents to maximize airflow
- Injection molded with an integrated visor
- Removeable Washable Headliner
- ASTM-SEI-certified
Small (53-56)
- Medium (56-58)
- Large (58-59)
- Low profile
- Durable, lightweight construction
- Six mesh covered vents
- DialFit™ system
- FlipFold™ removable washable headliner with Air-Channel™ technology
- ASTM/SEI-certified